Computer & Network Consultancy

Service in Dutch/French/English


How much does the service cost


Analysing the needs

It is difficult to perform a task for a customer without knowing what, how, when…
The analysis is need to know exactly what needs to be done, and what will be needed for the task.

If there is a simple analysis to be done (like for example wich software/hardware is needed to build a pc) this can be done on short notice and is free.

However for more complicated needs and structures more time might be needed and is then priced as a consultancy task (see on the right)







**at location: if analyst needs to come on site, a fee of €0.4/km will be charged.
The distance will be calculated from our offices (Mercuriusstraat 5, 1930 Nossegem)

Consultancy <30min.

€45 per started 30 min.

The ‘working hours’.

Will be prorated according to the time required by the analyst.
This can range from simple support tasks to network/PC installations.

This is per half hour started, from minute 31 the hourly rate is charged.
If the time exceeds one hour, again the half hour rate is used for the first half hour.


A task of: 1h23 takes minutes this is counted as being: 1 hour and 1 (started) half hour: €45+€85: €125
A task of: 1h31 minutes: is counted as a 2h task.




*excluding the price of materials/software needed to complete the task (or to be installed)

**at location: if analyst needs to come on site, a fee of €0.4/km will be charged.
The distance will be calculated from our offices (Mercuriusstraat 5, 1930 Nossegem)


Consultancy >30min.

€85 per started hour

The ‘working hours’.

Will be prorated according to the time required by the analyst.
This can range from simple support tasks to network/PC installations.

From as soon as minute 31 has passed until minute 60 the hourly rate counts.
This is per hour started



A task of: 1h23 takes minutes this is counted as being: 1 hour and 1 (started) half hour: €45+€85: €125
A task of: 1h31 minutes: is counted as a 2h task.



*excluding the price of materials/software needed to complete the task (or to be installed)

**at location: if analyst needs to come on site, a fee of €0.4/km will be charged.
The distance will be calculated from our offices (Mercuriusstraat 5, 1930 Nossegem)


More questions?


Contact us

+32 (2) 884 49 23

Mercuriusstraat 5/003
1930 Nossegem

Tel: +32 (2) 884 49 23
BTW: BE1003.446.786
IBAN: BE27 7370 7312 1673

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